Velvet is an activist and an early pioneer in getting the BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) to pay for transition (corrective) surgeries. She is a fetish sex worker in Vancouver, and has been an activist for sex workers for years (esp. prior to the investigation of the Picton murders) in BC and across Canada. She was a founder of Westenders Against Violence Everywhere (WEAV) in Vancouver and lobbied extensively to challenge the prostitution laws in Canada.
You can find Velvet online at:
Velvet’s story is one of a series of stories collected at the Moving Trans History Forward Symposium, put on by the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria in March of 2016.The MTHF conference provided with a space to record stories on site during the conferences of 2014, 2016 and 2018.
Kori lives quite happily in the country growing food, making babies and being self sufficient. Kori has been active in the non-profit service sector for many years and now runs online classes and workshops helping people to build community and work together in larger networks such as ‘Resilience Building for Trans Folks and Our Allies‘. Kori can be found online HERE
Kori’s story is one of a series of stories collected at the Moving Trans History Forward Conference, put on by the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria in March of 2016. The MTHF conference provided with a space to record stories on site during the conferences of 2014, 2016 and 2018.
Chase, Part 2
For some time now, Chase has been on the front line of all things Trans in the Yukon Territory. He was part of the long and persistent lobbying that lead the Yukon Territorial Government to include Gender Identity and Expression in their Human Rights Code (2017). He was the first Yukon resident to receive funded gender affirming surgery. He was also the catalyst for the Whitehorse Women’s Hockey Association to establish a trans inclusive policy. Chase is a trans educator, activist and public speaker. Catch up on the latest from Chase at: See Chase’s first story with onmyplanet Here
Chase’s story is one of a series of stories collected at the Moving Trans History Forward Conference, put on by the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria in March of 2016. The MTHF conference provided with a space to record stories on site during the conferences of 2014, 2016 and 2018.
Maria has been a pioneering trans activist in Sweden and around the world for many years. She talks about some of her more challenging moments growing up and going on to spearhead some of the ground breaking shifts in human rights for trans people.
Maria’s story is one of a series of stories collected at the Moving Trans History Forward Conference, put on by the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria in March of 2016. The MTHF conference provided with a space to record stories on site during the conferences of 2014, 2016 and 2018.
(Early in the video Maria likens a Swedish psychologist that she saw as a child to prominent Canadian psychologist Ken Zuker (Psychologist-in-Chief, and Head of the Gender Identity Service at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health for many years) who was of the opinion that gender non-conforming children should wait till the age of 18 to make a decision about their gender – forcing them to live as their assigned gender until then.)
Lily, Part 3
Lily talks about her two month trip to Bangladesh to meet her family for the first time as a woman. She talks about her apprehensions around going through an international airport, her expectations, and the bumps in the road to acceptance. She also talks about being on the Asexual spectrum. This is the third video that Lily has done with You can see the first one here, and the second here.
Lily’s story is one of a series of stories collected at the Moving Trans History Forward Symposium, put on by the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria in March of 2016. The MTHF conference provided with a space to record stories on site during the conferences of 2014, 2016 and 2018.
Vincent talks about negotiating a trans identity while growing up in northern Ontario – there was bullying and othering, depression and internalized transphobia and all the earmarks of discrimination from his Catholic school and peer group – but wait till he reveals to his traditional Italian Nona the real secret he’d been hiding… Vincent is now a trans activist and most recently has worked with the Police Service in Sudbury to produce a video on ways for the RCMP to support the trans folks they interact with. You can see their video here: Creating Awareness and Understanding of the Transgender Community
Vincent’s story is one of a series of stories collected at the Moving Trans History Forward Conference in 2014 (MTHF), put on by the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria in March of 2016. The MTHF conference provided with a space to record stories on site during the conferences of 2014, 2016 and 2018.
Mo is a queer filmmaker and wants to start a queer RocknRoll band. Mo talks about being in the music scene in Montreal in the 80s, coming out and making their first film. Mo is now a tenured professor at UVic, and has recently completed their first feature film Two 4 One, a trans themed film set in Victoria, BC. Mo was also on the Steering Committee for the Moving Trans History Forward conference at UVic, 2016
Mo’s story is one of a series of stories collected at the Moving Trans History Forward Conference, put on by the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria in March of 2016. The MTHF conference provided with a space to record stories on site during the conferences of 2014, 2016 and 2018.
Liz, talks about growing up in a small town in Saskatchewan and the process of coming out. Liz was working at the Avenue Community Centre where we recorded most of the stories from Saskatoon, and helped orchestrate the day. Thank you Liz for all your help and all the great work that you do.
Liz’s story is one in a series of videos recorded in conjunction with Out Saskatoon, in 2014. Heart felt thanks goes to the sponsors of this series: in Victoria, BC and Out Saskatoon in Saskatoon, SK. Special thanks to Liz Senecal at Out Saskatoon.
Kelly, a trans woman, came through quite a lot to recognize herself and come out. She talks about some of the more dramatic and sometimes violent parts of her process and her eventual transition. This video was recorded in 2014 – lately things have been looking up for Kelly; she’s engaged, has opened a new sewing and upholstery business in Winnipeg; Trans Canada Sewing and Upholstery and is a partner in a hot rod car shop: The Low Co Garage
Kelly’s story is one in a series of videos recorded in conjunction with Out Saskatoon, in 2014. Heart felt thanks goes to the sponsors of this series: in Victoria, BC and Out Saskatoon in Saskatoon, SK. Special thanks to Liz Senecal at Out Saskatoon.
Miki is a visual artist that began to dance in 2005. She talks about her ongoing transformation as an artist and as a trans woman. Miki dances with a number of modern dance companies in Saskatoon and maintains her own website at:
Miki’s story is one in a series of videos recorded in conjunction with Out Saskatoon, in 2014. Heart felt thanks to the sponsors of this series: in Victoria, BC and Out Saskatoon in Saskatoon, SK. Special thanks to Liz Senecal at Out Saskatoon.