Mo is a queer filmmaker and wants to start a queer RocknRoll band. Mo talks about being in the music scene in Montreal in the 80s, coming out and making their first film. Mo is now a tenured professor at UVic, and has recently completed their first feature film Two 4 One, a trans themed film set in Victoria, BC. Mo was also on the Steering Committee for the Moving Trans History Forward conference at UVic, 2016
Mo’s story is one of a series of stories collected at the Moving Trans History Forward Conference, put on by the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria in March of 2016. The MTHF conference provided with a space to record stories on site during the conferences of 2014, 2016 and 2018.
Kelly, a trans woman, came through quite a lot to recognize herself and come out. She talks about some of the more dramatic and sometimes violent parts of her process and her eventual transition. This video was recorded in 2014 – lately things have been looking up for Kelly; she’s engaged, has opened a new sewing and upholstery business in Winnipeg; Trans Canada Sewing and Upholstery and is a partner in a hot rod car shop: The Low Co Garage
Kelly’s story is one in a series of videos recorded in conjunction with Out Saskatoon, in 2014. Heart felt thanks goes to the sponsors of this series: in Victoria, BC and Out Saskatoon in Saskatoon, SK. Special thanks to Liz Senecal at Out Saskatoon.
Sarah is an artist in Toronto. Having grown up in a very homophobic home she talks about coming out in her forties. She found support at the 519 Community Centre and eventually started a women’s coming out group there. You can find more about Sarah’s artwork here.
Sarah’s story is one in a series recorded at World Pride in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Heart felt thanks go to the sponsors of this series: Media Net in Victoria, BC, Trinity Square Video in Toronto and The Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Lynch History Grant. Special thanks to Milada Kovacova at Trinity.
Steen, a writer and performance artist, talks about marrying young, being a mother and how feminism brought her into her queer identity.
Steen’s story is one in a series recorded at World Pride in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Heart felt thanks go to the sponsors of this series: Media Net in Victoria, BC, Trinity Square Video in Toronto and The Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Lynch History Grant. Special thanks to Milada Kovacova at Trinity.
Tracey, a long time queer activist, tells us why she likes the word queer. After a number of years in the Anarchist scene, and a handful of other careers, Tracey is now the proud founder and certified natural health practitioner at Anarres Natural Health.
Tracey’s story is one in a series recorded at World Pride in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Heart felt thanks go to the sponsors of this series: Media Net in Victoria, BC, Trinity Square Video in Toronto and The Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Lynch History Grant. Special thanks to Milada Kovacova at Trinity.
July 1, 2016 – In light of the recent racist and homophobic attack in Orlando and as we celebrate Pride Festivities across most of North America, I felt Anne’s message was so important for all of us. It is this type of education and eye on the big picture that will eventually educate the world.
Anne is the president of the Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) chapter in Toronto, Ontario. She shares her experience as a parent of a lesbian and becoming a good ally and an activist for the LGBTQ people in her life and family.
Anne’s story is one in a series recorded at World Pride in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Heart felt thanks go to the sponsors of this series: Media Net in Victoria, BC, Trinity Square Video in Toronto and The Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Lynch History Grant. Special thanks to Milada Kovacova at Trinity.
Sandy talks about growing up and coming out in South Western Ontario. She began volunteering with People Living With AIDS at the beginning of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. Sandy shares her continuing insights from working in this field, about the meaning of family, and reaching her fifties.
Sandy’s story is one in a series recorded at World Pride in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Heart felt thanks go to the sponsors of this series: Media Net in Victoria, BC, Trinity Square Video in Toronto and The Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Lynch History Grant Special thanks to Milada Kovacova at Trinity.
Andrée talks about coming out in a small town in Quebéc and eventually finding the lesbian community in Montréal. Andrée has worked for most of her life on LGBT political causes including being on the board of the Canadian AIDS Society and is still involved with LGBT issues in her current position at CSN – the Confédération Des Syndicats Nationaux (Confederation of National Trade Unions). Andrée tells her story in both French and English.
Andrée’s story is one in a series recorded at World Pride in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Heart felt thanks goes to the sponsors of this series: MediaNet in Victoria, BC and Trinity Square Video in Toronto and The Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Lynch History Grant. Special thanks goes to Milada Kovacova at Trinity.
Mary Ann
Mary Ann started off working in the social service sector and was heavily involved in LGBTQ and women’s issues politically. She then became an executive chef in Montreal and recently has rekindled her activism through her political writing and within the labour union that she is now a part of Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN)
Mary Ann’s story is one in a series recorded at World Pride in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Heart felt thanks go to the sponsors of this series: Media Net in Victoria, BC and Trinity Square Video in Toronto and The Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Lynch History Grant. Special thanks to Milada Kovacova at Trinity.
Clare or King Flare talks about coming out and starting her life-long gender performance as a drag king. Clare has been a producer of drag king shows and has been a key player in drag king culture internationally for many years.
Clare has also directed a documentary called Drag King Extravaganza available at:
Frameline Distribution or at Instant Video Or DVD
Clare’s story is one in a series recorded at World Pride in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Heart felt thanks go to the sponsors of this series: Media Net in Victoria, BC and Trinity Square Video in Toronto and The Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Lynch History Grant. Special thanks to Milada Kovacova at Trinity.