Vincent talks about negotiating a trans identity while growing up in northern Ontario – there was bullying and othering, depression and internalized transphobia and all the earmarks of discrimination from his Catholic school and peer group – but wait till he reveals to his traditional Italian Nona the real secret he’d been hiding… Vincent is now a trans activist and most recently has worked with the Police Service in Sudbury to produce a video on ways for the RCMP to support the trans folks they interact with. You can see their video here: Creating Awareness and Understanding of the Transgender Community
Vincent’s story is one of a series of stories collected at the Moving Trans History Forward Conference in 2014 (MTHF), put on by the Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria in March of 2016. The MTHF conference provided with a space to record stories on site during the conferences of 2014, 2016 and 2018.