Inspired by the long time editor of Lesbian News, Barbara McLauchlin, whose video story is here, and courtesy of the stupendous personal library of Lahl, I have begun posting .pdf files from a few years of Lesbian News, Victoria’s Monthly Lesbian Feminist Newsletter – later named The Lavender Rhinoceros. I will periodically post more scanned / pdf issues of this local Victoria Lesbian Magazine.
This is the first issue of Lesbian News, Victoria’s Monthly Lesbian Feminist Newsletter, circa 1989, edited by Debby Gregory.
There are two versions below, Small is a 1 MB file and Full is 9.2 MB. These links will open the .pdf file in a new window of your browser, from there they are downloadable.
Lesbian_News_09_1989 Small 1MB
Lesbian_News_09_1989 Full 9MB
If you’re a young lesbian, be true to yourself because you will pay a very heavy price if you marry a man to fit in. I did and now I will never get back my lost years. Now I am old and unattractive. All those years lost so that I could pretend I was respectable. But it gets worse. I did it for the security of money which makes me a whore when who I really am should be a strong, independent, self confident lesbian who can make her own way in the world. Not some aging failure who feels repulsed by the sight of a naked husband.