Clare or King Flare talks about coming out and starting her life-long gender performance as a drag king. Clare has been a producer of drag king shows and has been a key player in drag king culture internationally for many years.
Clare has also directed a documentary called Drag King Extravaganza available at:
Frameline Distribution or at Amazon.com: Instant Video Or DVD
Clare’s story is one in a series recorded at World Pride in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Heart felt thanks go to the sponsors of this series: Media Net in Victoria, BC and Trinity Square Video in Toronto and The Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Lynch History Grant. Special thanks to Milada Kovacova at Trinity.
James talks about the psychological build up around coming out and his current work helping to promote queer artists as role models.
James was part of the collective of artists that produced the Nuit Rose art show during World Pride in Toronto, 2014. He also produces 10 x 10, a show of photography that celebrates queers in the arts. More about James can be found at:www.jamesfowlerart.com/
James’s story is one in a series recorded at World Pride in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Heart felt thanks go to the sponsors of this series: Media Net in Victoria, BC and Trinity Square Video in Toronto and The Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Lynch History Grant. Special thanks to Milada Kovacova at Trinity.
Joyce talks about her experience living on women’s land in southern Manitoba and reflects on women’s community.
Joyce’s story is one of a series from the Victoria Lesbian Senior Care Society (VLSCS) Coffee Talk group, shot with the generous sponsorship of VLSCS and an anonymous donor. The purpose of the VLSCS is to support lesbian health and social needs as we age by providing safe, accessible, welcoming spaces to build community through public education and social action. www.VLSCS.ca
Linda talks about her first love and their situation when they first got together in the late 60s. It certainly was a different time. At the time of this video recording Linda was heading up the Victoria Lesbian Senior Care Society’s Coffee Talk in Victoria, VLSCS.ca
Linda’s is one of a series from the Victoria Lesbian Senior Care Society (VLSCS) Coffee Talk group, shot with the generous sponsorship of VLSCS and an anonymous donor. The purpose of the VLSCS is to support lesbian health and social needs as we age by providing safe, accessible, welcoming spaces to build community through public education and social action. www.VLSCS.ca
Stephen eloquently recounts growing up in the north, his process of coming out and his part in the human rights case that solidified same-sex marriage in Yukon Territory and in Canada. Thank you Stephen both for the energy you put into changing history and for the telling of this excellent piece of LGBTQ history.
Stephen’s story story video is part of a series of videos from Whitehorse, YT that were facilitated by the Yukon Queer Film Alliance with the generous support of Arts Fund Yukon. YQFA is responsible for OUT North, the first queer film festival north of 60.
Shara Layne
Shara Layne talks about the realities and her fears of coming out in a Catholic high school.
Shara Layne’s story video is part of a series of videos from Whitehorse, YT that were facilitated by the Yukon Queer Film Alliance with the generous support of Arts Fund Yukon. YQFA is responsible for OUT North, the first queer film festival north of 60.
Some of the news stories that covered the situation that Shara was involved in at Vanier high school:
CBC News March 6th 2013
Yukon News March 6th, 2013
DailyXtra.com March 17, 2013
Dave recounts his experience being the new guy in small town Alberta in the late 70s. Go Dave!!
Dave’s story video is part of a series of videos from Whitehorse, YT that were facilitated by the Yukon Queer Film Alliance with the generous support of Arts Fund Yukon. YQFA is responsible for OUT North, the first queer film festival north of 60.
Aric grew up in some of the most isolated parts of the Yukon Territory, in the midst of pretty extreme homophobia. He tells his stunning tale of coming out after years of repressing his orientation.
Aric’s story video is part of a series of videos from Whitehorse, YT that were facilitated by the Yukon Queer Film Alliance with the generous support of Arts Fund Yukon. YQFA is responsible for OUT North, the first queer film festival north of 60.
Since the recording of this story, Blodge (yes it’s a nic name) has transitioned and is now Chase, a “testosterone-based” individual. In this story, recorded in 2013, he tells an entertaining tale about his experience with gender expressions and stereotypes both in the town where he grew up in southern Ontario and in communities in the Yukon Territory. An updated story was recorded at the Moving Trans History Forward conference in 2016, and is available to view here.
Blodge’s story video is part of a series of videos from Whitehorse, YT that were facilitated by the Yukon Queer Film Alliance with the generous support of Arts Fund Yukon. YQFA is responsible for OUT North, the first queer film festival north of 60.